Scholarly • Soulful • Social

Educate your heart. Elevate your mind.

Study Stoop's Services

NCE Accountability Course

Professional Development

CPCE Accountability Course



Destinee Smith, LPC (DC), LCPC (MD), NCC is the founder of Study Stoop LLC. Her andragogical approach to counselor education infuses her Gestalt orientation toward clinical work and her constructivist approach to instruction incorporating queer race pedagogy. As a queer woman of color, she instructs classes from a holistic, intersectional lens. She aims to teach the most marginalized identity in the classroom, and in that, inclusivity will occur. Destinee believes in learners, their experiences, and their design for their learning path. Therefore, she invites diverse perspectives into the classroom to contribute to co-creating new perspectives and critical thinking. Her identity as a marginalized, lesbian black woman leads her to remain relationship focused, strengths-based, and direct in designing and facilitating instruction.


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